Development Plan

Development Plan & Results Report

Spruce Grove Composite High School's Development Plan is an integral component of our school accountability and assurance. This plan is an extension of the Parkland School Division Education Plan, which sets out educational priorities and assurance elements within the domains of education, while outlining the Division's Vision, Mission, Values, Ultimate Goal and Priorities. A strong plan implements strategies to maintain or improve student learning and achievement - while monitoring and adjusting as needed - and to help the school and division in making evidence-based decisions.

SGCHS Development Plan 2024-2025

Every Parkland School Division school has evaluated their progress from last year in a Development Plan Results Report, using internal data, survey results, and Assurance survey results.

The goal of the Development Plan is to outline the strategies the school will follow for the school year, based on their area of focus, with the goal of improving their practices and achieving their desired state - one that aligns with the Division's Mission, Vision and Values.

By participating in Alberta Education’s Assurance Model, our school and our stakeholders are actively engaged in the development of our own local priorities and plans. Our development plan allows us to remain simultaneously forward-thinking and responsive to stakeholder concerns.

Outcome of Focus - Students Demonstrate Success

Our Parkland School Division Ultimate Goal is “Student Success and Well-Being.” Our journey toward ensuring that all students are successful is strongly evident in our Division’s Vision statement: Our students possess the confidence, resilience, insight, and skills required to thrive in, and positively impact, the world. Success for students means that they are achieving on the goals that they set for themselves, and delivering on expectations set by others.

Student success depends on quality instruction in an atmosphere that respects each learner’s independent spirit. Stakeholder trust and confidence is gained when all student learning is meaningfully connected to the Alberta Programs of Study and all students demonstrate foundational skills, and strengths in literacy and numeracy. Essentially, the representation of this Element speaks well to our value that learning opportunities are purposeful, essential, relevant, authentic, and responsive.

Teachers and leaders will look for evidence that learning tasks effectively connect students to the world outside of school and provide a greater audience for students to share and collaborate. Increased attention to this assurance element will be recognized through increased achievement results, captured formatively through assurance methods and as derived through provincial results.

Stakeholders gain trust and confidence when students demonstrate strong, universally desired characteristics of success through their approach to learning. One characteristic of success - student resilience - surfaced as the most significant concern throughout our stakeholder engagements in recent years. Ongoing challenges brought about by the global pandemic have further demonstrated a strengthened need for students to grow in confidence and resilience. Our intention with this Assurance Element is to identify strategies to build rigor and determined resilience in our students; we feel that developing these attributes will also have a significant impact on our students’ achievement results.

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