Student Parking at SGCHS - Registration

Welcome Back Students!!
SGCHS Student Parking is for Grade 11s and 12s ONLY. There is NO fee charged for parking, it is First Come, First Serve. Visitor and Staff Parking areas are off limits to students.
Grade 10's cannot use any of the school parking areas!
If you do not register or are a grade 10 driver parked in the SGCHS parking area, the school may implement consequences. Failure to comply with safe and appropriate driving practices will result in the removal of SGCHS parking privileges. Students are encouraged to walk, carpool or take the bus. Registration includes mopeds & scooters.
Each vehicle that is parked in Student Parking MUST be registered with the school each year.
Please complete the following form STUDENT VEHICLE PARKING REGISTRATION to register and park in the SGCHS student parking area.